Cheese Fish

DSCN2764Years pass on and becomes decade,decades turns to rosary. But for us,  the bongs (Bengali), generation after generation one thing is common, savoring fish. Like other bongs I too relish fish in what ever creative way I can. For example eating the small fish(tangra, marula,parse) as a whole, Rohu,Katla,Hilsa in pieces and snappers(bhetki) in fillet. This dish is prepared with snapper fillet.

I prepared this dish long before but could not post the recipe. Again the blame goes  to my cutie pie. She doesn’t even know that her mother is blaming her for any inconvenience caused. If I recall I prepared this on 15th April 2013 on Bengali New Year(Nabo Barsho).


  • 4-5 Snapper/Basa fish fillet
  • 2-3 cubes of cheese
  • Chopped coriander(optional)
  • 4-5 tbs All purpose Flour
  • 9-10 tbs of Bread crumbs
  • 2 tbs of Vinegar
  • Salt to taste
  • White oil to deep fry

Cut the fish fillet laterally to make pocket as shown in picture 1.Then marinate the fillets with salt and vinegar. Leave it for 30 minutes. In the mean time grate the cheese cubes and mix chopped coriander. Make a free flowing batter by adding water to all purpose flour.Stuff the cheese mixture into the pockets of fish fillet as in picture 2. Keep them in a dry plate. Dip them in the all purpose flour batter individually as in picture 3. Then with utmost care roll them on bread crumbs as in picture 4. Please take care that the stuffing does not comes out. Heat oil in a wok. When the oil is hot dip them carefully to deep fry. Cheese fish is ready. One can cut them from the middle if the fillets are large, it sure looks more yummy.
